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With one of the most notorious drinking holidays upon us, Black(out) Wednesday on November 23, the day before Thanksgiving when friends and family are home for the start of the holiday season, Robert and Sharon Persad, owners of 911 Driving School of Seminole County (801 International Parkway, Lake Mary), suggest the following safe-driving tips:

  • Have a designated driver: Make sure that someone in your group won’t be drinking ahead of getting behind the wheel. If everyone plans to indulge, take advantage of ride sharing services such as Uber, Lyft or a local taxi company. Make sure that all phone numbers and driving apps are pre-installed on your phone.
  • Have a plan in place: Know the route that you’ll be taking home to and from your destination. Bring a paper map as a backup in case there is an issue with your GPS functioning properly.
  • Know when a driver is impaired: If a vehicle around you is swerving, move to the side of the road and report the license plate number to the police. Not only will you protect yourself but those around you as well.
  • Be prepared for emergencies: In the cold weather, vehicles are more prone to system failures so it’s important to be ready for any incident that occurs. Some common items to stow in your car include non-perishable food items, kitty litter or sand, safety emergency blankets, first-aid kit, flashlights, water bottles, phone chargers and snow shovels.
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